Friday, March 14, 2008

Eric & Beth Crazy from New York

I found the following story to be very bizarre and extremely humorous so I am going to put it on my blog!

So my little sister (sorry YOUNGER sister, she's 21) Diana moved to New York to be a nanny for a family that seemed very nice when she interviewed with them. They flew her out and just loved her and were so sweet and had two sweet kids. Diana had her own room downstairs and would be with the girls from 7:30am to 7:30pm. She would take care of the kids, take them places, cook for them, clean up after them etc. Things a NANNY would do. So Di gets there and all of a sudden she is not only the Nanny but she's the housekeeper, chef, server, etc. as well. Beth (the mom) tells Diana that she would like her bed (Beth's) made everday for them and then told her that since she would be doing the girls' laundry she might as well do her and her husbands' too... OK.... So she obliges. Then after making dinner the family sits down and tells her to dish it up for them!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ARE YOU TWO? Do you not have opposable thumbs? Then they sit there all regally like they are King & Queen while Di dishes their food... LAZY!

So another day Beth's mom comes over and while she is ordering Diana around etc. her mom tells her to lay off and asks what is wrong with her!! She of course acts like she is perfectly in the right... So she asks Diana to get her a drink... "I'll have a beer" so Di gets her a beer. She then says "There are limes in the fridge, get one and slice it up and bring it to me" The end... No, "could you?" "please" "thank you" etc. This woman is obviously playing some dream out that she's had about being Lady of the manor, getting waited on hand and foot without a care in the world! What a freak!! So in the meantime her own mother seems rather horrified by her actions but can't really do anything.

I, by this time am telling Di to get out ASAP! I usually would be against quitting a job so quickly but these people are freaks! So they all go to the park, Beth included and she asks Diana if there is anything she wants to talk about, problems, etc. So she is honest and tells Beth she didn't realize she was going to be playing housekeeper for Beth and Eric and Beth says "Well I'm sorry, I didn't realize a few seconds out of your day to make my bed would be such an inconvenience" and about serving them their food... "What? Well that must have been a fluke!" "I never intended on having you do that!!!" Ok so everynight, every meal, Diana somehow tripped and dished their food, wasn't ordered to do it? Weird... So every thing Diana mentions, Beth turns it around and makes Diana feel like a total moron!

Diana discusses the situation with her friend Maddy, who is in New York as a nanny also. Maddy tells her "family" and they are appalled! They tell her they have friends and can hook Di up!! YIPPEE So Diana tells Beth she is going to quit and tells her she won't screw her over so she will stay til they find someone else. Very nice of her in my opinion!

The next day Diana is supposed to take the girls to "free time" at a kiddie gym. No big deal, kids run around doing nothing, happens every day. The girls were asleep so instead of waking them up to take them Di let them sleep. When Beth got home she asked how it went and Diana told her the girls had slept thru so they didn't go. She acted like no big deal and went on her way. I don't remember all the details, however, later Eric's dad comes over and is hanging out with the kids then Eric calls Diana into the room and says he wants her out immediately and couldn't believe that she hadn't taken the girls to play time etc. Just ranting and raving at her! So she calls Maddy to come pick her up (she was already packed). In the meantime Diana takes them their keys, credit cards, etc. and asks for her check for the week. They REFUSE!! Eric starts screaming at her and cursing at her so Diana turns and runs for the door! Chucking a shoe at him on the way! (hahaha my favorite part) So Diana is completely freaked out, having just been chased by a grown man who is screaming the "f" word among others at her! So she calls her dad (my step) and he says to call the police. So she calls them and they tell her to come on in. When she walks in the door they are all like "are you the nanny?" haha So they take her statement and call Eric who is all apologetic and acts like it was just a big misunderstanding and says he will bring her her check right away, which he did! Hilarious!! Only Diana would get into a situation like this!! Anyway now Diana is happily living in Greenwich with an awesome family and is doing great!!

1 comment:

Brigham said...

CREEPY!! Just like the movies. I wonder if they had some "secrets" in the basement or something.