Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Apparently I need a tan

My boss Denise is the broker for a real estate company and for the last few days she has been taking these two adorable little Italian guys around. They are probably in their 70's, and only one of them speaks english. Their names are Tony & Luigi. Of course. So anyway they were chatting with me today and Luigi (doesn't speak english) says something to me and Tony says... "He say you are very white." Thanks buddy! You are very old! Haha just kidding... So I whipped out the pictures of my much darker children who DID get some of my Indian (native american) blood that just loved to skip me! So they thought they were cute at least. But hello, I decided a couple of years ago that I don't want to be leather face and sun spots old lady so I stopped tanning. Not to mention that the last time I went down the Salt River I lost my sunscreen in a freak styrofoam cooler explosion and got burned so bad that I couldn't walk for a few days and then it felt like someone was jabbing needles into my legs every time I did walk for at least a friggin week and I threw up all day 2 days AFTER the burn. My legs were definitely fried chicken, I could just picture how they would look like cooked chicken if someone cut them open! EWWW!! So needless to say I stay out of the sun as much as possible. I even keep my hands out of the sun while I'm driving. I guess I need to get some of that fake tan for the face stuff. Damn Italians with their beautiful skin! I still think they are adorable even if they think I'm pasty! haha


Tammy said...
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Tammy said...

I'm feeling your pain. I miss the days of laying out on Michelle's roof all day without a thought about the damage.

RJ said...

Kelli you are so funny. Keep the posts coming, I have you on my "reader", so I get excited whenever your name pops up. I loved the little italian story. I too, gave up trying to be a bit brown (that's all I could ever get no matter how long I spent in the sun) a couple years ago. Oddly enough, it coincided with getting married, I guess once I knew Davey would love me no matter how I looked I could give up vanity in favor of health. I had way too many sunburns as a child and adult though, so I KNOW I'm getting skin cancer someday. Red heads are the #1 skin type for cancer. AHHH. I guess I'll just live it up now! Love ya, girl!