Friday, May 2, 2008


Yesterday when Justin got home from work he went to let the dogs in and only Frodo came in... And I was like "oh crap" so Justin looked out there and said "Lucky is dead". So I of course started bawling and didn't stop for about 3 hrs. (I am pregnant so that made it worse). Anyway I am so very sad, especially for little Frodo! They were best friends and Lucky who was a chihuahua would sit on Frodo every time Frodo would lay down. It was so cute! Frodo is a miniature dachshund so it wasn't TOO big of a problem for Lucky to do it! Anyway I feel horrible and we haven't told the kids yet which is going to really suck! They weren't home so that worked out well but I know they are going to be really sad! I'm putting up a few pics of the dogs having fun together.


Unknown said...

That's so sad Kelli. I know I'll have to tell my kids that someday and I'm not looking forward to it.

nelly said...

I'm so sorry Kel.